Coding · Python

A Twitter bot to find the most interesting bioRxiv preprints

TLDR: I wrote a Twitter bot to tweet the most interesting bioRxiv preprints. Follow it to stay up to date about the most recent preprints which received a lot of attention.

The past few months have seen an explosion of life science research papers which are first posted as a preprint.  Statistics about preprints can be found on prepubmed, of which I also took the image shown below. The majority of preprints is clearly on bioRxiv, with more than 1000 submissions each month.


The idea of posting your article as a preprint is quite simple: get your results out as fast as possible, without waiting months or years for a publication in a glamorous journal. And publishing on a preprint server doesn’t prevent you from publishing in that glamorous journal afterwards, as is illustrated by the growing list of journals which accept preprints. Preprints are not peer reviewed and perhaps you should be just a bit more critical when reading. Recent developments such as Oxford Nanopore sequencing and CRISPR genome editing show why preprints are necessary: technological advances happen so fast, by the time your article is through peer-review and published your results are already obsolete and outdated. Some perspectives on preprints have been discussed in blog posts, such as What’s up with preprints?, Biology’s roiling debate over publishing research early and The selfish scientist’s guide to preprint posting, among numerous more.

This post is not meant to discuss all merits of preprints, but how to stay on top of the enormous flow of (perhaps) interesting articles. Because obviously, that amount of preprints is getting hard to follow and even harder is to find the really interesting articles between the 1000 submissions every month. It’s a needle in a haystack problem. Intro altmetric: altmetrics roughly tell you how much attention a paper/preprint received, by keeping track of all mentions and shares on twitter, blogs, news articles,…
So the hypothesis is: a preprint which gets a lot of attention (e.g. shares on Twitter) is probably a promising preprint worth reading. Based on this I wrote my Twitter bot.

Essentially, my bot will:

  • Monitor the preprints submitted to bioRxiv
  • Check their altmetric score
  • Tweet about the preprint if it’s in the top 10% of altmetric scores in bioRxiv

To make sure the news is still hot when you get it, this checking is only performed during the first week after submission, which is a parameter I will have to evaluate.

The code to achieve this is split into two scripts:

  1. will run hourly, check the bioRxiv RSS feed and save articles to a file
  2. will run daily, check the altmetric score of the saved articles, tweet if high enough and remove old entries from the file

Both scripts are added at the bottom of this post. I use my raspberry pi 3 to run these scripts using a crontab. I have included some logging, to figure out what goes wrong if my bot doesn’t behave as expected. I’ve been thinking about the best method to store my data, but in the end, I just went with a flat text file containing doi, URL, title and date. Perhaps something else, such as an SQLite database or pickled list/dictionary might be better. Feel free to suggest how I can improve this!



# Frequently check RSS, save results to database
# Part of PromisingPreprint
# wdecoster
import feedparser
from os import path
import logging
def checkRSS(dois_seen, dbf):
Check the RSS feed of biorxiv and for each paper, save doi, link and title
Except if the doi was already seen, then don't duplicate
feed = feedparser.parse("")
if 'bozo_exception' in feed.keys():
logging.error("Failed to reach the feed")
for pub in feed["items"]:
if not pub['dc_identifier'] in dois_seen:
save2db(pub['dc_identifier'], pub["link"], pub["title"], pub['updated'], dbf)
def save2db(doi, link, title, date, dbf):
Save article metrics to the database
Add status 'notTweeted', since this publication is new
with open(dbf, 'a') as db:
db.write("{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n".format(doi, link, title, date, 'notTweeted'))
def readdb(dbf):
Return all DOIs in the database file
if path.isfile(dbf):
with open(dbf, 'r') as db:
return [i.split('\t')[0] for i in db]
logging.warning("Unexpected: Database not found")
return []
def main():
db = "/home/pi/projects/PromisingPreprint/preprintdatabase.txt"
format='%(asctime)s %(message)s',
dois_seen = readdb(db)
checkRSS(dois_seen, db)'Finished.\n')
except Exception as e:
logging.error(e, exc_info=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':

## Periodically query altmetric all entries in database younger than 1 week
## As soon as threshold (better than top 90% score journal) is passed, tweet about article
# Part of PromisingPreprint
# wdecoster
from altmetric import Altmetric
from os import path
from time import sleep
from datetime import datetime
from secrets import *
import tweepy
import logging
import argparse
def queryAltmetric(doi):
Check the altmetric journal percentile score of the publication
a = Altmetric()
resp = a.doi(doi)
if resp:
return resp["context"]['journal']['pct'] # Percentage attention for this journal
return 0
except AltmetricHTTPException as e:
if e.status_code == 403:
logging.error("You aren't authorized for this call: {}".format(doi))
elif e.status_code == 420:
logging.error("You are being rate limited, currently {}".format(doi))
elif e.status_code == 502:
logging.error("The API version you are using is currently down for maintenance.")
elif e.status_code == 404:
logging.error("Invalid API function")
def tweet(message, api, dry):
Tweet the message to the api, except if dry = True, then just print
if args.dry:
def cleandb(currentlist, alreadyTweeted, dbf):
Using the stored list of entries check if the articles aren't older than 1 week
Save only those younger than 1 week to same file (overwrite)
Also remove those which were already tweeted
currentTime =
with open(dbf, 'w') as db_updated:
for doi, link, title, date, status in currentlist:
if (currentTime – datetime.strptime(date.strip(), "%Y-%m-%d")).days <= 7:
if doi in alreadyTweeted:
db_updated.write("{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n".format(doi, link, title, date, "tweeted"))
db_updated.write("{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n".format(doi, link, title, date, "SeenNotTweeted"))
def readdb(dbf):
Get all saved metrics from the database saved to file
if path.isfile(dbf):
with open(dbf, 'r') as db:
return [i.strip().split('\t') for i in db]
return []
def getArgs():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Checking altmetric score of preprints in database and tweet if above cutoff.")
parser.add_argument("-d", "–dry", help="Print instead of tweeting", action="store_true")
return parser.parse_args()
def setupTweeting():
Setup the tweeting api using the keys and secrets imported from
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_secret)
return tweepy.API(auth)
def main():
args = getArgs()
format='%(asctime)s %(message)s',
api = setupTweeting()
currentlist = readdb(db)
tweeted = []
for doi, link, title, date, status in currentlist:
if status == 'tweeted':
pct = queryAltmetric(doi)
assert 0 <= pct <= 100
if pct >= 90:
tweet("{}\n{}".format(link, title), api, args.dry)
cleandb(currentlist, tweeted, db)'Finished.\n')
except Exception as e:
logging.error(e, exc_info=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':



6 thoughts on “A Twitter bot to find the most interesting bioRxiv preprints

  1. This is awesome, thanks for sharing!

    Back in June, I wanted to create something similar for sociology-related research. I only got as far as prototyping it (collecting and tweeting the data manually), the process for which I describe here:

    I may fork your code (when I finally get around to coding the darn thing) as your approach for finding articles to recommend potentially makes more sense than mine (esp. if one were to use SocArxiv as a single point for sourcing papers, rather than all of the top 10 sociology journals).

    Anyway–great work! Thanks for making your code open source!


    1. Hi Martyn,

      Thank you for reaching out. Did I understand correctly that is a separate/non-overlapping server/repository for preprints, without restriction of research area? If so, I’d be happy to set up a twitter bot for these too, in case an RSS feed is available and the preprints are included in Altmetric.



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